Are you feeling helpless in a relationship?  Do you fear speaking your truth because it may damage your current relationship?  What is the effect a relationship has on your 4 bodies?  All these questions can create a sense of unease in many of us. It may make us feel stuck and burdened. If you are […]

What comes to mind when you think of gratitude and appreciation? Do they mean the same thing?  Gratitude and appreciation are related but different. Gratitude is a feeling of thankfulness for something that has been given or done for you. It is often directed towards someone who has done something kind or helpful for you. […]

Forgiveness is all about letting go of resentment, anger, or any negative emotions that you may feel towards someone who has harmed you or caused you pain. It is a way of releasing these negative emotions and moving on from the hurt or harm that has been inflicted upon you. Research shows, it is usually […]

Being a foodie refers to a person who has a strong interest in food and enjoys trying new and different types of cuisine. A foodie may enjoy cooking, dining out, and learning about different ingredients and flavors. Food addiction, on the other hand, refers to a pattern of unhealthy and compulsive behavior around food. Someone […]

‘Listening is not the act of hearing the word that is spoken, it is the art of understanding the meaning behind those words and making the person feel heard, by creating a safe space for them to share whatever it is they want to share with you.’ These words by Simon Sinek invite you to […]

Sadhguru says, as humans we enjoy two core faculties – one is memory and the other is imagination.  We have access to our superb memory which recalls things that have happened as far back in our childhood to our recent past. Then there is our fantastic imagination that is capable of chasing your thoughts in […]


History has it that the old rich and the new rich across many generations, go through experiencing money in cycles of poverty, survival, growth, abundance and then back to poverty. Almost like a vicious circle. The first generation that sees poverty is the most hungry to get out of it, get a roof on their […]

The 3 Magical Steps Of Dealing With Karma

A parent’s love for their child is one of the purest forms of unconditional love there is in the world. And yet, how often do we hear parents say ‘I did everything for my children and yet look at what they have done to me’. Or times when you have done everything right in your […]

Grief – Does It Ever Go Away?  Sometimes we hold on to grief, because we cannot imagine a life without it. Can you handle a life which is free of grief and filled with joy? Long ago I heard a conversation by BK Shivani, about what happens when we don’t stop grieving. The story she […]

Just because you can see it, you don’t have to say it. It was the first time I had heard these lines. And ever since these words of Sidra ring in my ears so often. She says it with so much passion and conviction, it blows you away. The magical space we enjoyed before and […]

Money – the one word that pulls out a whirl of different emotions in different people. It is almost like a memory of some sort that we hold emotional charge towards. While money essentially is energy of exchange for us to experience a product or service, over the years many versions of dealing with emotions […]

What if the problem you are trying to solve IS a problem only because you see it as one? Let’s see how this looks like in real life. Say for example you walk into a messy room. The problem is not that the room is messy, but the problem is that you think the room […]