Kamala & Vineet
Phoenix, US

We had the pleasure of hosting an ABH workshop at our home in Phoenix, Arizona in 2019. Over 10 families took part, most of them along with their children as young as 10, through teen years. Not knowing what to expect, it turned out to be one of the best workshops we attended in a long time.

It was simple, highly interactive and participative. Through it, we learned the concept of Chakras and how each one helps activate and regulate our inner harmony. The exercises in the workshop opened our minds to a level of mental balance we had not experienced before.

The workshop was superbly facilitated by Nidhi and Leena, who demonstrated keen knowledge of chakras and how to use them through simple exercises. They understood the needs of their audience very well. By the end, it created a sense of calm that we all carried home with us.

Randeep Kaur
Jalandhar, India

Often we hear quotes like ‘Happiness comes from within’ and ‘You are the master of your own destiny!’I read these without believing in them. During the Activating Body Harmony course, I realised the truth in these simple statements. I learnt to keep the mind in the present moment and through affirmations the negative voices in the head were silenced. I realised how through controlling the mind, we can even overcome physical aches and pains. I have discovered the boundless energy that lies within me and can come to my aid anytime I find myself in a difficult situation.

Kenneth Alphonso
Goa, India

It was a brilliant session and it changed my thinking towards the way I manage what I earn. It also made me feel calmer and more at peace with the subject rather than being a tad bit restless to the subject. I’m super sure it will help us all grow towards financial freedom and being financially more stable.

Raksha Dwarakanath

It helped me identify a lot of conflicts that I have with money and resolve it from a totally different perspective. That was a big eye opener. Also I feel a lot more bonding with myself and confident about the way I manage my money henceforth.

Susheel Rathi

Excellent session. It made me dwell on my relationship with money.