Money Consciousness - Your journey towards a financially free life
Ever wondered why money seems to be playing hide and seek with you? All the hard work, talent and intention some how fails to manifest the kind of money you think you deserve? Money is an energy and once you connect with its core essence, you’ll understand your own relationship with it. Join us as we take you on a 2 hour journey to share some priceless and timeless tools and techniques with you that will help you attract more money into your life with ease and grace.
Key highlights:
• Identify the conflict you feel around money
• Experience processes to help you release old patterns
• Create a new relationship with money
• Learn time tested techniques to begin your journey towards living a financially free life!
Abundance Consciousness Workshop - An onward journey towards an abundant life
All good things come with a sequel. After completing the Money Consciousness Workshop, you are ready to take the game a notch higher and open the flood gates of abundance into your life, so your onward journey becomes more fulfilling than ever.
Key Highlights
• Decoding your money blueprint
• Breakthrough your money ceiling
• Understand the golden formula to manifestation
• Attract abundance into your life with ease and grace
ABH - The 8 Week Intensive
The 8 week intensive is an exclusive experiential program aimed at giving the participants a deep dive into their challenges and helping them clear the same through unique time tested tools. Conflicts in the areas of health, wealth, relationships and personal growth keep us stuck for years, disallowing the opportunity to live a more fulfilling life.
Equipped with a complete home play kit with a journal, exercises and pages to pour out your emotions, these 8 weeks give you the time to work on your energy centers through yoga, movement and energy work. The group energy further enhances the experience as participants find a safe space to be themselves and allow self-healing to take place at a pace that works for each individual.
Complete with processes, tools, techniques and unstinted support from the facilitators, participants of these sessions have breakthroughs with their challenges at different levels as they open up and allow healing to take place. Healing takes place through awareness, acceptance and clearance of all that stops them from living a life they truly desire.
2 hours a week for 8 weeks. This allows enough time to reflect, accept and implement the tools through the week and observe shifts as they show up.
Limited number of participants only per batch – to ensure an intimate space is created to connect with one another, share and travel forwards on this journey.
An Introduction To Body Consciousness - through yoga, movement and energy
This 2 hour session helps people get a taste of what activation of the bodies can do to heal oneself. We touch upon time tested techniques and processes to help them unburden themselves from their past experiences so they feel light and encouraged to make a conscious shift in their current lives with ease and grace. You walk away with processes and tools that can help you lighten up on a daily basis, as layers of stored baggage begin to dissolve gently.
Key Highlights
- Connect with your body’s consciousness
- Learn techniques to harmonise your energy
- Walk away with a unique experience of inner healing
- Daily rituals to keep your body feeling light and easy
Goal Setting - Set, achieve and celebrate your life goals!
This session will introduce you to a stress free and proven system that helps you set, achieve and celebrate your life goals with ease and grace. It will equip you with some of the best ways to install habits that serve you and your journey as you wake up each day feeling more and more in alignment with what makes you feel happy and fulfilled.
Key Highlights
- Get clarity on what goals you need to set and why
- Learn techniques to help build the right mindset
- Tools to activate inspired action week after week
- Daily routine to follow through for transformation
Healing Through Dance
Dance as has been known for centuries, in any culture, is a great way to celebrate and unwind. This naturally creates a healing experience as each of your bodies gets engaged in the movement, allowing you to disconnect from your challenges for some time, as you let loose and become playful. Dance heals – very deeply.
Self-love, self-image and celebrating your unique soul signature becomes easier through these sessions as each time you use a different aspect of dance to facilitate self-healing. We are all different and so is our learning preference. For some of us, conversations are not very encouraging, neither are long technical sessions on aspects of healing. Healing through dance could be a good option as it gives youthe unique advantage to heal yourself using body movements that create massive shifts at all levels in a way that feels natural.
Own Your Power - Your journey towards an empowered life!
Some people over power, and some others feel disempowered for many reasons they don’t know or understand. Discover the underlying patterns that create fear instead of faith and take your power back through this engaging workshop.
Key Highlights
• Understand how your body responds to situations
• Learn tools that will help you take back your power
• Daily rituals to clean your energy and feel empowered
• Increase awareness and build confidence to deal with situations
Unlock the secrets to manifesting your dreams in the most effective, exciting and effortless way in this dynamic 2-hour session.
Key Highlights:
- Learn powerful manifestation techniques backed by science and specially curated to accelerate your journey towards fulfilling your dreams – big and small.
- Benefit from actionable insights tailored to your unique goals and aspirations, making this workshop one of its kind – implementable from day 1!
- Discover practical strategies to overcome obstacles that stop you from manifestation.
Have a challenge that is stopping you from living your best life?
Feeling trapped in your head and heart and want to set yourself free?
Book a session with us for the bespoke experience of healing yourself through awareness, release and integration.
Package includes – Free discovery call – 30 minutes
Session 1 – Awareness – 60 minutes
Session 2 – Release – 45 minutes
Session 3 – Integration – 45 minutes
Connect with us today on activatingbodyharmony@gmail.com to know more.